American Idiot Of The Week

American Idiots
(Ebook Edition)



“This is amazing. While I am chasing my 2 year old around. You are again saving the world.  You never stop helping humanity to get back to its former glory.  Keep waking up the people by educating them.  Keep on soldier.”

-Dr. Paul Moon

“Irreverent and hard hitting, American Idiots is an incredible masterpiece documenting the most corrupt period in American history. It’s one of the best written documentaries that connect the dots transforming mainstream media’s illusionary depiction of the chaotic events into truth and reality.

“American Idiots is insightful, factual, interspersed with political humor giving the reader a clear understanding of the moral breakdown of America. A must read for everyone who wants a bird’s eye view of our tumultuous times.”

American Idiots Part II
Fleecing the Flock (E-Book)



  • How the Biden Administration is laundering billions of dollars through Ukraine and Black Lives Matter
  • How Biden’s inflationary spending is wiping out people’s savings
  • The price our Fore Fathers paid to establish freedom in America
  • The writing is on the wall: We are transitioning into a socialistic/communistic state
  • Our two-tier justice system
  • Governor Gavin Newsom’s insane policies
  • History of what happens after governments disarmed their citizens
  • Climate Change Myth: 4 Catastrophic Climate Predictions That Never Came True
  • Why the constant witch hunt against our 45th President
  • Tump’s real accomplishments – more than any other president